
“What’s that you say?”

I’m working on some posts about the boys, in the meantime I thought you might like to know what the boys have been saying lately.

Drew: “Alright! Let’s play together!” (He said this to Bran after coming down the stairs and jumping onto the floor in front of their trains.)

Bran: “I wanna drive it on a circle” (Said while watching Drew drive a train around the top of a round container)

Drew: “Life is but a half” (This is Drew’s last sentence to Row Your Boat. Row, row, row, your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a half.) I have no idea why. Bran says Dream, but Drew won’t, it’s always, half.

Bran: “I’m sorry I took your train Andrew” (I think this is Bran’s longest sentence to date, and was of course prompted by the mama saying, “tell your brother you’re sorry you took his train”.)

Drew: “I got you!, me.” (The boys are having some trouble figuring out their pronouns. Sometimes it’s “I got me!”) :-)

Bran: “No say no!” (This started on Monday and now has become a regular saying whenever I tell him ‘no’, or even when I don’t use the word ‘no’, but tell him he can’t do something. Like today at mom’s group I said, “you’re not going upstairs” and he replied, “no say no!”

If anyone remembers hearing anything else cute or funny, let me know. Sometimes there are too many to remember. :-)


  1. coko:

    Today Drew asked me if the long beans I were holding (they’re about half a meter long) were noodles! He’s such a smart kid!! the lady next to us at superstore was also very impressed.

  2. coko:

    Guess what I discovered? (shhhh) that if you want to read the ender’s game sequels…Tuck Yuen has them all…on his bookshelf! I saw them there the other day when I was downstairs!

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