
Drew and Bran

This evening Drew was sitting on my lap trying to tell us something that sounded like “ribbitt.” We were trying to figure out what it was when Bran started saying the word too. Then he ran over to the wall, pretended to take something off of it and give it to Drew. Every time he would hand it to Drew he would say “ribbit” and Drew would yell back “No, ribbit!” In the end we never figured out what it was or whether Bran knew what it was either! But it was lots of fun to watch their interaction and Brandon’s make believe play.


It’s been so hot here lately and today when Drew got up from his nap he was confused about why there was water on his head. It was sweat. The kid sweats like crazy.

When I put him down for his nap this afternoon, he was pretending to snore. I wasn’t fooled since his eyes were still open!

Lately Drew seems to be suffering from a bit of insomnia when going down to bed or if he wakes up in the middle of the night. He will just lay there for an hour before he falls asleep, with his eyes open the whole time.

Now that we’ve opened the stairs going up, the boys have lots of opportunities for going up and down. The favorite way is to lay on their bellies and slide down, feet first. Drew is really fast! Sometimes I think they’ve fallen down the stairs and it’s just Drew wizzing down. Needless to say they’ve got lots of red knees and elbows and even a rug burn on the belly. But they think it’s great fun and I think it’s a lot safer than when they try to go down normally without holding on to anything.

We’ve been trying to teach the boys how to ask nicely for things using a sentence. Mostly we work on this at dinner. An example might be, “May I have some more broccoli please” (honestly that’s what he’s asking for!). He’ll repeat each word after us or he may remember two words in a row. When he’s finished he claps his hands and yells “Yay!” Sometimes he gets ahead of himself and it might sound like this, “MAY…may I, HAVE…have, please (clap), yay!” He gets so proud of himself. The only problem now is that he thinks if he uses this sentence he can have whatever he wants. Today he wanted a book I was reading, so he climbs onto my lap and says, “May I, please,(clap), yay!” and then tries to take my book! :-)

Andrew is taking a nasocortocoid for the next month. At his 2-year check-up the Dr. noticed a lot of swelling in his nasal passages and that combined with the fact that his nose is small and always stuffy means there’s not a lot of room to breathe. So we’re supposed to watch him for a month and see if his snoring lessens (of course, when he’s faking it, it’s not going to be helpful!) and if he seems to be breathing better out of his nose. He’s always been a nose breather though, where Bran breathes out of his mouth like his dad.


Brandon has discovered deviled eggs and blueberries, not together of course. He ate 3 eggs yesterday at a friends house and 4 today. He also kept asking for extra servings of blueberries at lunch. They also both ate several pieces of cauliflower which amazed me. I tried giving it to them when they were babies and they refused it. Usually it’s been the other way around, all the food they liked as infants they’re starting to refuse.

The other day we were playing a game where I was asking the boys to touch different body parts. When I got to their cheeks, Bran stopped and said, “rosy cheeks!”

The boys started jumping really well the other day so they were kind of hopping around the house. Then Brandon found a new way to jump. He crouches down then leaps up and falls down on his bum. He thinks it’s the funniest thing ever! Amazingly, he’ll also do it off of the couch. I’m surprised he doesn’t have a sore tailbone, but I guess that’s where a diaper comes in handy.

Brandon still LOVES to play with his cars. He’s still constantly dragging me away from something that I’m doing to “pay cars.” He’s quite forceful in the dragging part too. He especially likes making tunnels with my legs.

I’ve let the boys have ice cream cones a couple of times. Brandon eats the side of his cone first, which is a little problematic, even with a small scoop on top. Drew is really good at licking them nicely until he gets to the cone and then he gets it all over his face.

Bran is having some trouble with his upper molars. They’ve been pretty painful coming in. The bottom ones didn’t seem to be as bad.

Today the boys were playing in the bathroom sink and Bran decided to put his head under the faucet and wash his hair. He also stood in the sprinkler for several minutes drinking the water. He didn’t seem to mind either time that his face was getting drenched.


Both boys have done a pretty good job of pronunciation, but there are just a few words that have been causing us some trouble, a couple are cute and a couple are on the embarrassing side, especially when yelled in public!:-) Here they are:
Firetruck (they do fine with truck, there’s something about combining the words)
Frog (we’re working on calling it froggy)
Kepitch (ketchup). Brandon also thinks all bottles are kepitch so the other day uncle Jeffery was drinking a bottle of kepitch at dinner. We didn’t let him try it. :-)
Tabo (potato). This is now morphing into tato.

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